Introducing Megasun Sunbeds

koocachoo are proud to introduce the MegaSun range of sunbeds. They are among the world’s top-of-the-line sunbeds. Innovative design and ease of use combined with technical finesse – in a word: the mega sun.

Whether you want the MegaSun 6700 a fully equipped, laydown sunbed experience, or the MegaSun Space 2000 for the Stand Up Sun Bed experience koocachoo can accommodate all your Sun Bed needs. You can choose your own individual apparatus from our range of mega sun Sun Beds.

We currently have some amazing special offers so why not book an appointment today!

Sun Bed Tips

The best way to create and maintain a tan is by encouraging the melanocytes to produce more melanin and then drawing it to the top layers of skin and retaining and oxidising it there. This is done by exposing the skin via a series of Sun Bed sessions which do not burn the skin. (Burning is actually counterproductive and harmful).


Applying a cream is recommended. After years of investigation into the effects of Sun Beds on the skin, leading dermatologists recommend you apply the cream before using a sunbed. Good skincare is essential for maximum results and a faster, safer tan.


If a lotion is not applied, your skill will be dry and will actually reflect the rays. In theory you will not receive the maximum tanning during the paid time. For example, During a 10 minute Sun Bed session without a lotion it would equate to only 4 minutes with lotion. So by applying a good quality skin lotion you are: Caring for your skin, increase the life of your darker tan and getting the maximum value for your money! Ask at the reception desk to learn about our range of lotions.


Our Sun Beds: Adjustable and automatic fan speeds, lays downs have facial tanners with 3 levels, top of the range tanning tubes, integrated built in Bluetooth to connect to allowing you to listen to your own music, built in surround sound speakers with sub-woofer and bass, Mood lightening and voice guidance for that extra assistance and much more!

Technical Reasons For Using Lotions

Dry skin reflects light giving you a surface tan that fades quickly. Hydrated skin allows UV rays to penetrate deeper, giving you a longer-lasting tan.

Using a Lotion increases the result of the Sun Bed session by stimulating melanin production, maximising your tanning performance.

Protects the skin from losing moisture during the Sun Bed session, lotion will hydrate the skin promoting anti-ageing benefits.

Get In Touch

If you’re located in or around Waltham Abbey, Epping or Loughton, contact us today to treat yourself to a tan!